Key to the genus Cupiennius (Araneae, Ctenidae)

Publication Type:Book Chapter
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:F. G. Barth, Cordes D.
Editor:A. Weissenhofer, Huber, W., Mayer, V., Pamperl, S., Weber, A., Aubrecht, G.
Book Title:Natural and cultural history of the Golfo Dulce region
Series Title:Stapfia 88, zugleich Kataloge der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Neue Serie 80
City:Freistadt, Austria: Plönchl-Druck

The following key includes the description of the coloration patterns in the genus Cupiennius, typical of living representatives of the species. In the larger species, this permits determination of the species even for subadult specimens, although the coloration may be indistinct or even absent in preserved specimens. The shape of the epigynum, vulva and bulbal sclerites is then of major importance. Especially the smaller species of Cupiennius have an indistinct or variable coloration pattern on their body and legs. Their determination is only possible by dissection of the vulva (females) or by looking at small details of the male bulb. The present key is in essence a reprint of parts of an earlier publication (BARTH & CORDES 1998). It includes all important features of the genitalia already described in LACHMUTH et al. (1984). Besides including C. remedius and C. celerrimus, it considers body size and characters of the coloration pattern and of the genitalia. The definition of the colours used in the key is taken from the colour table for coloured pencils of Faber-Castell, Germany. For C. chiapanensis (MEDINA SORIANO 2006) and C. vodou (BRESCOVIT & POLOTOW 2005), two recently described new species, the reader is referred to the original literature.

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