The American orb-weaver genera Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala north of Mexico (Araneae, Araneidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1977
Authors:H. W. Levi
Journal:Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College

Five species of Cyclosa, three of Metazygia and thirteen of Eustala are found in the region. One species of Cyclosa is holarctic in distribution, others are temperate and tropical American. The rarity of the dwarf males of the tropical
Florida Cyclosa bifurca suggests that the species may be parthenogenetic. Metazygia and Eustala are known from the Americas only, most species being tropical. The five temperate species of Eustala, especially the three eastern ones, are difficult to separate; possibly they hybridize in some areas. Two of the Eustala species are new, with the range of southern Florida and the West Indies.

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