Comments and new records for the American genera Gea and Argiope with the description of new species (Araneae: Araneidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:H. W. Levi
Journal:Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College
Keywords:Argiope argentata, Gea heptagon

There are one species of Gea and seven species of Argiope in the Americas. Distributions of Gea and Argiope species are recorded with new records from South America. Only one new species, A. ericae, from southern Brazil to northern Argentina, was found and is here described. The coloration of the female abdomen of Argiope species differs more than the visible differences of the genitalia. Males are separated by differences in palpi, the attachment of the embolus to stipes, and the shape of the coiled embolus.

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