They are small and poorly studied animals are hard to find and usually are not seen or caught except with traps, worldwide are classified in a family and in two genera, of which one is represented in Central America. These animals are very sclerotized and have a top transverse carapace, the anterior margin of which is given the name "cucullus", this cover conceals the mouth parts of the animal, the abdomen is covered by the carapace and both are fused , the chelicerae are composed of two parts, that are a little like those of scorpions, pedipalps are short and resemble the legs, the ventral plates are joined to one another, the legs are short and strong, the third leg in males is modified to transfer sperm. They have no eyes and their size can reach 10 mm (body).
Are soil animals living in forest litter, under rocks or similar habitats. Can be found near base of large trees.
At this time their conservation status is unknown.
Un protected
They are small and slow predators which is estimated to be eating small animals that live in the same habitat.
Occurs in Africa and the Neotropical region.