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Geaya unicolor Roewer, 1910
Family: SclerosomatidaeGenus: Geaya
This species has a complicated history, and many specimens ascribed to this taxon can likely be considered dubious.
Roewer (1910) described the species from a single specimen collected in Venezuela (Porto Cabello). Roewer later ascribed specimens from Colombia and Costa Rica to this species, while Goodnight and Goodnight ascribed others from Guyana, Panama and Honduras to this species, all without justification.
In the original account by Roewer 1910, he gave a brief description plus drawing of just the eye tubercle - notably squared on margins (his Plate.3, Fig30) and of the dissected palp (his Plate 4, Fig. 53). The body (perhaps in alcohol) is described as monochrome rust yellow, eye tubercle dark brown (not black). Ventral colour as dorsum, while leg segments unicolorous maroon. Mandibles and palps monochrome pale yellow.