Geaya unicolor
This species has a complicated history, and many specimens ascribed to this taxon can likely be considered dubious.
Roewer (1910) described the species from a single specimen collected in Venezuela (Porto Cabello). Roewer later ascribed specimens from Colombia and Costa Rica to this species, while Goodnight and Goodnight ascribed others from Guyana, Panama and Honduras to this species, all without justification.
In the original account by Roewer 1910, he gave a brief description plus drawing of just the eye tubercle - notably squared on margins (his Plate.3, Fig30) and of the dissected palp (his Plate 4, Fig. 53). The body (perhaps in alcohol) is described as monochrome rust yellow, eye tubercle dark brown (not black). Ventral colour as dorsum, while leg segments unicolorous maroon. Mandibles and palps monochrome pale yellow.
From Roewer, 1910;
Körper 3,5 mm lang; Beinfemur I 8, TI I6, ill 8, IV 11 mm lang. Bein I 38, TI 64, ill 38, IV 49 mm lang.
Körper hoch gewölbt und hinten eiformig gerundet, dorsal wie ventral einschließlich der Genitalplatte und der Coxen mit kleinen Chitin grübchen gleichmäßig netzartig bedeckt, nur die weichen Gelenkhäute zwischen den harten Chitinteilen sind glatt.
Coxenrandhöcker scharf dreispitzig.
Augenhügel von vorn breiter als hoch, basal nicht verengt; von der Seite vorn und hinten senkrecht, nicht gerundet, oben flach und hier tief gefurcht; jederseits der Furche mit einer scharfen Reihe stumpfer Zähnchen, doch vorn und hinten glatt (vergl. Prionostemma coronatum I) (Taf. III, Fig. 30).
Mandibeln: Glied I dorsal vollkommen glatt.
Palpen: Femur so lang wie Patella + Tibia, so lang wie der Tarsus. Patella mit schlanker Apophyse von der halben Länge des Gliedes; Tibia nur 2 1/2 mal so lang wie breit; Femur nur ventral-basal spitz bezähnelt; Patella (besonders die Apophyse) und Tibia allerseits spitz bezähnelt; Tarsus nur behaart (Taf. IV, Fig. 53).
Beine lang und dünn; Femora fein bezähnelt; nur Femur· II mit 3 Pseudogelenken, Femur I, III und IV ohne Pseudogelenke.
Färbung: Körper dorsal wie ventral einfarbig rostgelb, nur Augenhügel dunkler braun (nicht schwarz). Bauch wie die Rückseite gefärbt, Coxen desgleichen, wie auch die Trochantere der Bein, deren übrige Glieder einfarbig rotbraun sind. Mandibeln und Palpen einfarbig blaßgelb.
= Venezuela (Porto Cabello) - I Exemplar ~ SIEVERS leg. - (Mus. Hamburg).
Roughly in english as:
Body 3.5 mm long; Leg femur I 8, TI I6, ill 8, IV 11 mm long. Leg I 38, TI 64, ill 38, IV 49 mm long.
Body arched high and behind ovate rounded, dorsally as the ventral including genital plate and Coxen with small chitin dimples evenly reticulate covered, only the soft hinge hides between the hard "Chitinteilen" are smooth.
"Coxenrandhöcker" sharp tricuspid.
Eye tubercle from the front wider than high, basal not narrowed; front and rear vertical, not rounded from the side, top flat and furrowed deep here; each side of the furrow with a sharp series blunt teeth, but the front and rear smooth (comp. Prionostemma coronatum I) (Plate III., Fig. 30).
Mandibles: member I dorsal perfectly smooth.
Palps: femur as long as patella + tibia, as long as the Tarsus. Patella with slimmer Apophyse of half the length of the limb; Tibia only 2 1/2 times as long as wide; Femur only ventral basal pointed bezähnelt; Patella (particularly the apophysis) and all tibia bezähnelt' pointed; Tarsus only hairy (Pl. IV, Fig. 53).
Legs long and thin; Femora finely 'bezähnelt'; only femur · II with 3 pseudo joints, femur I, III and IV without pseudo joints.
Coloring: body dorsally as ventrally monochrome rust yellow, eyes only hill dark brown (not black). Belly coloured as the back (dorsum), Coxa similar, as are the trochanters of the legs whose other members are unicolorous maroon. Mandibles and palps monochrome pale yellow.
= Venezuela (Porto Cabello) - 1 exemplar - SIEVERS leg -. (Mus Hamburg.).
From Roewer 1953, the distribution is given as "Venezuela, Columbien, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Brit. Guiana"
However, this species has a complicated history, and many specimens ascribed to this taxon can likely be considered dubious.
Roewer, 1910 (p.161) described the species based on 1 specimen collected in Venezuela (Porto Cabello). The type specimen was collected by Sievers and deposted at Hamburg Musuem. It is described in a moderately brief account, plus drawing of just the eye tubercle - notably squared on margins (Plate.3, Fig30) and of the dissected palp (Plate 4, Fig. 53).
(Note, in another paper by Roewer 1910, it appears proposed to transfer to Embrikia nov. gen. but this is not is not subsequently followed)
Roewer (1923) (p.1067, Fig. 1167), a brief redescription is given under Geaya with another drawing of eye tubercle - again squared, but some denticules on dorsal surface, Here is now specified both ♂ and ♀ examined, but for localities lists several more - namely "Venezuela: Porto Cabello; ·Costa Rica: bei Cartago; Kolumbien: Tolima - mehere (♂, ♀) (Typ. Mus. Hamburg; Cotyp. Mus. Paris u. Coll. Roewer)". It is not clear which material is deposited where, but 'mehere' can translate as 'several' meaning multiple specimens.
In Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 (Am Mus Nov. vol.1184, p.19) additional records are given as "Record. - Tumtumtari, July11, 1911 (F.E.Lutz) and Tukeit, July 24, 1911 (F. E. Lutz)" and presumably deposited in AMNH.
In Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 (Am Mus Nov. vol.1167, p.10-11) additional records are given as "Record. - Honduras; and El Volcan Chiriqui, Panama, March 7, 1936 (W.J. Gertsch)" and presumably deposited in AMNH.
In Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 (Am Mus Nov. vol.1198, p.14) additional records are given as "Record - Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, February 12, 1936 (W.J. Gertsch)." and presumably deposited in AMNH.
In Roewer, 1953 (p.202, item 38) the distribution is given as "Venezuela, Columbien, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Brit. Guiana" - specifying "♂, ♀ Typus: Mus. Hamburg" (This conflicts with the single unsexed type specimen of original description). He again lists specimens as Costa Rica: bei Cartago - 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Paratypoide: R I/4/216, and Columbien: Tolima - 1 ♂,1 ♀ - Paratypoide: R I/4/565 (Here he wrongly specifys these additional material as paratypes, when they have no nomenclatural significance).